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Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and Slack Group. My goal is to teach you how to earn $20K+ in 12 months via Credit Card churning and Manufactured Spending.
Ultimately? Each person should start their own scalable biz, as that will make this game 1000 times easier.
Don’t know where to start? I recommend Amazon FBA as a great first business. Highly recommend the BowTiedMahi Arbitrage Tactics guide.
5/24: Infamous Chase 5/24 Rule
AF: Annual Fee
AU: Authorized User
CDC: Citi Double Cash
CIC: Chase Ink Cash
CIP: Chase Ink Preferred
CIU: Chase Ink Unlimited
CL: Credit Limit
CPP: Cents Per Point
CSP: Chase Sapphire Preferred
CSR: Chase Sapphire Reserve
DC: Double Cash
DP: Data Point
FLUZ: Fantastic App, critical component of this game
GC: Gift Card
HP: Hard Pull
HUCA: Hang up and call again, common tactic when dealing with uncooperative customer service reps
MCC: Merchant Category Code (helps credit card companies identify the category for purchases eg office supply, restaurant, grocery, etc)
MCGC: MasterCard Gift Card
MO: Money Order
MR: Amex Membership Reward Points
MS: Manufactured Spending
NLL: No Lifetime Language (Way to get Amex SUBs multiple times)
P2/P3/P4: Another player. Usually significant other or relative that will let you apply to cards in their name for additional points
RECON: reconsideration line, to try to get approved after a denial
SUB: sign up bonus
TYP: Citi Thank You Points
UR: Chase Ultimate Reward Points
Nothing here is to be deemed legal or financial advice in any way.